A quick Manual chicken scalding machine like slaughtered birds is the immersion of the bird in a tank of hot water to loosen the bird’s feathers so that they can be more easily removed.

Manual scalding of slaughtered birds is the immersion of the bird in a tank of hot water to loosen the feathers so that they can be more easily removed. Manual scalding is still practiced at some small facilities but has become uncommon because other methods are cheaper and safer for larger operations. The dead bird is immersed in 140-150 oF water for about one minute. In most cases, an open tank is used that can accommodate one to ten birds, and the water is kept hot by a burner located in the bottom of the tank. In other cases, hot water from a boiler is used to maintain the desired temperature. In either configuration, a steady flow of water helps to keep the tank cleaner. The water is changed and the tank cleaned once every shift or day.

The major advantage of manual scalding processes is low capital cost.

Scalding Tank – Gas Operated


  • Stainless Steel Tank
  • Gas Operated
  • 50 – 500 Liter Capacity
  • Available with Temperature Indicator

Scalding Tank – Electrical Operated


  • Stainless Steel Tank
  • Electrical Operated
  • 50 – 500 Liter Capacity
  • Available with Temperature Indicator & Controller